Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Maybe It's Just Me

It's so funny how I always think a lot when I'm in the shower. I've had way too much time to think about things lately and have come to the conclusion that I am a good person. I'm a good person who does bad things sometimes and I know everyone is human. We all make mistakes but I seem to make the stupidest mistakes that effect the most important people in my life.

There's probably a handful or so of people that are the most important in my life. These people I want as happy and healthy as they can be. I try my best to do what I can as a friend to help them succeed and fulfill their dreams. These people I feel like I sometimes hold very tightly and I have begun to believe that may be one of the reasons that these people that I never want hurt are the people I hurt the most.

I've also come to the conclusion that all I can do is my best. Sometimes my best isn't enough for some people. I have to take in to account other people views and opinions and live my life hurting the least amount of people as I can. All I can hope at this point is that the people that I have wronged can find it in their hearts to forgive me for the trespasses I've made again them. Hopefully I haven't damaged too much or destroyed the trust and love in our friendship.

I love all my friends very much.


Now playing: Butch Walker - Maybe It's Just Me
via FoxyTunes

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